Bridgeton Backcourt watercolour by Robert Newbigging. Canada, August 2002
Robert was brought up in Fairbairn Street, Bridgeton, attended DPS 1942-1955
 see his profile


Robert thanks for this, it is fantastic.....I am sure it will stir memories for different people but for me it reminds me so much of the backcourt junction of Fairbairn St & Baltic St. where I lived.

Extract from e-mail Robert Newbigging, Canada, August 2002 
"Will.  I haven't written in quite a time. We have had a busy and very hot, dry summer here. 
I have attached a small watercolour I am working on at the moment. I got the reference from Virtual Mitchell...... I embelished the painting by adding the pailings, the washing and the large puddle in the is just as I remember Bridgeton in the late 40's &50's......
See Robert's other Bridgeton sketch of Fairbairn Street 1950s


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